Three Home Insurance Riders You Need to Consider

Home insurance is the single best thing you can have to protect your investment. Even after your home is paid off, Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc., serving San Francisco, CA, recommends retaining your home insurance so that your primary residence is protected in the event of unfortunate events. In addition to your primary home insurance, riders are available to extend that protection. Here are some of the most helpful ones to consider.

Identity Theft Restoration Rider

The number of identity thefts in this country has gone up at alarming rates. Unfortunately, having good credit makes you a more attractive target for this type of crime. But you can add an identity theft restoration rider to your home insurance policy with Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc., serving San Francisco, CA. This protection would help cover the legal costs of restoring your identity.

Building Code Coverage

If your home incurs some damage where you need to file a home insurance claim, the policy can pay out to restore your home to its original condition. But if your home’s original condition wasn’t up to the current building code in your state, you’ll have to pay the contractor the difference to bring your home up to code. With a building code rider, your policy benefit will include that cost, and you won’t be out of pocket for the difference.

Jewelry Rider

Consider adding a jewelry rider if you keep valuable jewelry in your home. In the event of theft or other covered occurrence, you could get back the true value of your jewelry rather than the limited amount offered with a plain home insurance policy.

Home insurance riders may prove helpful to you. Contact Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc., serving San Francisco, CA, for more information about adding riders.

Four key pieces of misinformation you need to know when you buy auto insurance

Motorists need to be accurately informed about auto insurance. Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. is an insurance provider offering auto insurance policies in San Francisco, CA.

Unfortunately, misinformation regarding auto insurance is fairly common. The following are four critical pieces of misinformation you need to know about when you buy auto insurance. 

You’ll pay more on premiums if you’re insuring a new car.

While more valuable vehicles are often more expensive to secure, this doesn’t mean that a new car will always be more costly to insure than an old car.

Many new cars have safety and security features that help bring down insurance premium costs. This can make new cars less expensive to insure. 

It’s no big deal to go uninsured for a brief period. 

You should never drive without insurance. Going even for a short period without insurance could lead to severe consequences.

Auto insurance is required by law, and you could be cited for driving without insurance if you get pulled over while uninsured. 

Your driving record is the only factor that impacts your auto insurance costs.

While your driving record is an important factor that impacts your insurance costs, it is not the only factor that insurance providers consider.

Insurance providers also look at your vehicle’s value, credit score, and numerous additional factors when calculating your auto insurance premiums. 

You can use your personal auto insurance when driving for commercial purposes.

If you drive your vehicle for commercial purposes, you need to have a commercial auto insurance policy. You shouldn’t use your personal auto insurance while you’re driving for business purposes.  

Call Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. today to get a quote on an auto insurance policy in San Francisco, CA. 

The Importance of Renters Insurance

Many renters are under the incorrect assumption that if their residence catches on fire, their landlord’s property insurance will cover their personal belongings, and that is not true. A property owner’s insurance will only cover the structure tenants’ rent from the property owner if a disaster occurs. The agents at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc., serving the San Francisco, CA area are stressing the importance of renters insurance for tenants across California.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover?

Renters insurance will cover the value of tenants’ personal belongings, including appliances, furniture, electronics, clothing, and other valuable items that they purchased for the house or apartment that they rent if they are damaged or destroyed by a theft incident, a natural disaster, a fire, or even vandalism. This coverage is essential because you never know when a tragic event will occur, and trying to replace everything at once can be financially next to impossible for most people today.

Renters’ insurance also offers a certain level of liability protection. This will be useful if a visitor to your house or apartment is injured in a fall or some other type of accident. They can hold you legally responsible if an accident occurs inside your dwelling. This can help protect you against potential lawsuits and will help cover the medical expenses or property damage for the person affected.

Contact Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc.

To create the best renters insurance policy for you and your family, contact the experienced and trustworthy agents at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc., serving the San Francisco, CA area today, and get your policy started!

Tips to prepare your car for a storm

As the weather starts to turn here in the San Francisco, CA area, it’s essential to take steps to make sure your car is ready for any storms that may come its way. Here are some tips from us at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. to help you prepare your car for a storm: 

1. Check your tires: Make sure your tires have adequate tread and air pressure. This will help you maintain control of the vehicle in wet or icy conditions. 

2. Change your windshield wipers: Having good visibility during a storm is essential, so replace your windshield wipers at least once a year. 

3. Inspect the exterior: Check for any rust spots or cracks in the body of the vehicle. Make sure to repair these before they become more significant problems down the road. 

4. Fill up your fluids: Ensure all your car’s fluids are topped off, including oil and antifreeze, wiper fluid, and brake fluid. 

5. Stock up on supplies: In case you get stuck during a storm, it’s essential to have an emergency kit with items like blankets, snacks, a flashlight, and jumper cables in the trunk of your car. 

By taking these steps now, you can feel confident knowing that your car is prepared for whatever weather comes its way this season! For more tips or to explore an auto insurance policy, give us at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. today. We are proud to serve the San Francisco, CA area and would be happy to help you find a policy that meets your needs and budget. So don’t delay! Give us a call today!

Is commercial insurance beneficial if I don’t have any employees and I work from home?

As a business owner, you likely have assets that you want to protect. Many of these assets may be difficult to replace or cover out of pocket. Commercial insurance provides various benefits for business owners, regardless of how big or small their business is. These benefits can provide both financial and legal coverage for many areas of your business that would be difficult to cover out of pocket. Our Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. team is focused on providing education regarding commercial insurance for our San Francisco, CA business owners. 

What are the Benefits of Commercial Insurance?

Commercial or business insurance has many benefits. It provides protection from many common pitfalls that business owners may encounter. From natural disasters to employee protection and business insurance, this insurance provides coverage for a wide variety of situations that would be difficult for many business owners to cover on their own. Commercial insurance also provides protection from lawsuits and coverage for contracts and other related situations. For example, commercial insurance provides coverage for liability, loss, property damage, theft, and injuries. Commercial insurance can be the difference between your business going under or remaining afloat due to the helpful coverage provided. 

Is commercial insurance beneficial if I don’t have any employees and I work from home?

Yes. Commercial insurance has benefits for any business owner, regardless of the number of employees they have. If you are your business’s sole employee and owner, you still have assets to protect. If you sell products or services, you can benefit from liability coverage. If you drive a car for business and have a wreck, commercial auto insurance is beneficial by providing coverage for accidents that have higher coverage limits than personal auto insurance typically. Commercial insurance provides options to meet the needs of business owners. If you have more questions regarding commercial insurance, call us. We’re standing by.

The Importance of Home Insurance

A home for you and the people you love is one of the most important and expensive investments you will make in your lifetime. This is why you will want to protect it adequately by having adequate home insurance in place. The agents at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc., serving the San Francisco, CA area, don’t hesitate to stress the importance of home insurance, even if your mortgage is paid off.

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

It would be best if you were prepared for whatever may come your way regarding your home. This includes natural disasters, acts of vandalism, or fires that can destroy or damage your house.

Home insurance will cover the structure of your house if it is damaged or destroyed, as well as items inside your house. These items include your furniture, appliances, other household items, and even your personal belongings, such as clothes and toiletries. Many home insurance policies will also cover outbuildings on your property, including garages, decks, and sheds. Also, if your home is burglarized and items are stolen, your home insurance can help replace these items.

If you have a mortgage on your home, your lender will require you to have a home insurance policy in place. Even if you do not owe money to purchase your home, it is crucial to have home insurance anyway to protect the investment you have made in the home you love.

Contact Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc.

The home insurance agents at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc., serving the San Francisco, CA area, are ready to assist you with all your insurance needs, including your home insurance policy. Call for a quote today and get your policy started.

Five Things You Need To Know About Commercial Insurance In California

California Commercial Insurance Basics

Owning a business comes with a long list of responsibilities, including one new business owners often forget: securing the proper insurance coverage.

In California, several types of commercial insurance policies are available for business owners.

Talk to the experts at Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services in San Francisco, CA, to learn about the best commercial insurance policies to help small business owners protect their businesses! 

Five Things You Need To Know About Commercial Insurance in California

#1. The type and amount of commercial insurance coverage you need will depend on the specific needs of your business.

Find the best commercial insurance coverage for your needs by talking to a licensed and experienced insurance agent about your goals.

#2. Commercial auto insurance is required if you own or operate a vehicle for business purposes.

California business owners who use a vehicle for day-to-day business operations (including deliveries) must be covered by the proper commercial insurance policy or have auto insurance.

#3. Employer’s liability insurance may be required for any businesses with employees in California.

Commercial insurance policies with liability coverage can help protect your business from financial loss or lawsuits if an employee is injured.

#4. If you lease or rent commercial property, you will need to carry commercial property insurance.

A commercial insurance policy can protect your business belongings and office equipment in the event of damage, theft, and unexpected financial loss.

#5. Product liability insurance is vital for any business that manufactures, sells, or distributes products to consumers.

This commercial coverage protects your business against claims arising from injuries or damages caused by a defective product.

Contact Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. for a free San Fransico, CA quote!

Get Ready to Take the Road: Three Expert Car Maintenance Tips

Whether on a road trip or just commuting around San Francisco, CA, it’s essential to have a well-maintained car. Even if you don’t know much about car maintenance, you can take some easy steps to keep your vehicle in good shape.

Here are three expert car maintenance tips from Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. that will help you get ready for the road and keep your car running smoothly.

Change Your Oil Regularly:

Changing your vehicle’s oil is essential for several reasons:

  1. It ensures that the oil in your engine is clean and free of contaminants. This helps to prevent wear and tear on engine components, and it also helps to keep your engine running smoothly.

  2. Regular oil changes help to improve fuel economy and extend the life of your machine.

  3. Regularly changing your oil helps to prevent significant damage from occurring later.

Monitor Tire Pressure and Tire Wear:

Proper tire inflation helps to ensure that your vehicle is operating at maximum efficiency and safety. Underinflated tires can increase fuel consumption, reduce handling and braking ability, and increase the risk of a tire blowout. Monitoring tire wear helps to identify when it is time to replace the tires. Worn-out tires can cause a loss of control while driving and make it more difficult to stop in time to avoid an accident.

Get Regularly Scheduled Maintenance Checks:

Regular professional maintenance checks on your vehicle can help you fix any problems with your car before they become significant issues. This will help you avoid costly repairs and keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely. Professional maintenance checks can also help you save money in the long run by improving your car’s fuel economy, reducing wear and tear, and extending its lifespan.

At Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc., in San Francisco, CA, we take pride in providing our customers with the highest quality service. Contact us today to get started!

In Case of Fire

A fire is always tragic. Some things lost in a fire can never be truly replaced. However, the disaster can be mitigated if your home is insured against fire damage. With fire insurance, you at least have a chance to rebuild and start over. If such a disaster happens, stay calm, remind yourself of what you do have (you’re still alive, after all) and do the following. 

Document Your Losses

After you’ve counted your blessings for your mental health, it’s time to get real and take stock of what has been lost. Start taking photos of all the damaged property and belongings. Video documentation works too. This will be proof that the fire happened. Ideally, you will have kept receipts and a contents list with your insurance policy. Once you’ve documented everything, board it up to discourage looters or weather damage. 

Meet With the Adjuster 

Your insurance adjuster will want to have a look at the damaged property. Be there to show them around and point things out. Document everything from policy maximums to deductibles. You may want to ask them about the loss of use coverage and other signed forms that may be necessary. Verify with them your type of coverage and ask for repair estimates. If the damage was so bad you had to leave your home, you may want to ask for an advance on your claim to cover your new expenses. 

Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. Serving San Francisco, CA 

Whether the fire was electrical, a kitchen mishap, or a wildfire out of control, losing a home to a fire can be disastrous. If you plan for a disaster before it happens, it will be easier to get back on your feet. Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. realizes every situation is unique and will do all they can to help you in this difficult time. 

Must-have Commercial Insurance Policies For Your Business

Every business owner has a story of where they started and are heading. Unfortunately, in all this planning, a disaster can strike and cause a standstill to the smooth progress of your business. As a business owner, you should protect the things that bring success to your business by mitigating unforeseen disasters through commercial insurance. It’s, therefore, paramount to understand the significance of commercial insurance in your risk mitigation strategy.

Tons of commercial insurance policies exist. Finding the ones that suit your business can be challenging. However, Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. narrows down to must-have business insurance policies for your business.  

  • General liability: Unexpected injuries or damage can occur on your premises while running a business. If the accidents result in bodily injuries or damage to a third party, the insurance takes care of the expenses. Additionally, liability coverage covers the legal fees if the injuries result from negligence and the business gets sued.
  • Workers’ compensation: California requires every employer to have employee compensation insurance, even if it’s one employee. If an employee gets injured in the workplace, the policy covers medical or related legal costs if you get sued. The policy also compensates for lost wages if the employee cannot work anymore due to injury or sickness.
  • Property insurance: You could suffer a substantial loss if a disaster strikes and destroys your business building and the items inside. Property insurance pays for the loss of your business assets, reducing your financial burden.
  • Product liability insurance: Product liability insurance is a must-have if your business sells or manufactures products. It protects your business in case of harm caused by your product.

Commercial insurance in San Francisco, CA

Only in a perfect world will commercial insurance not be required. As a responsible business owner, you need to plan ahead of time in case of an unfortunate event. Commercial insurance gives you peace of mind as you focus on your company’s goals. If you live in San Francisco, CA, and want to insure your business, look no further than Biddle-Shaw Insurance Services Inc. for all your commercial insurance needs.